ChatGPT in the World of Digital Marketing
In the last few days, every industry has been buzzing with ChatGPT and its ability to communicate. AI development has revolutionised the ChatBot industry. The capability of creating comprehensive text and copies is what makes ChatGPT unique and different from the other available ChatBots.
This has led many experts to contemplate the scope of advertisers and marketers. Now that AI can generate copies, do we need copywriters and content writers? Do clients need to seek an agency of experts for creating campaigns and content, or can ChatGPT replace them?
Let's understand.
What is ChatGPT?
Simply put, an AI chatbot where you ask questions and ChatGPT generates answers. You can ask it to write a love letter, and ChatGPT will tune to the romantic language. You can require a resume, and ChatGPT would give you a draft! The same goes for any kind of copy.

Now you have your copy! This brilliant AI creates a fine copy without plagiarism. What does this mean? Are marketing and advertising lost jobs? Are our copy and content writers outdated? Do we not need content strategists?
The answer to all the questions is NOT! We need creative individuals and storytellers capable of sharing ideas most effectively. In most jobs, the human touch is still an absolute necessity. However, ChatGPT can help!
Let's understand,
A prominent rule of the 21st Century is to be harmonious with technology. This new AI development is not an enemy. However, though revolutionary, it won't revolutionise advertising or marketing as a field dramatically. What it can do is this:
Help small businesses
While ChatGPT cannot replace the agency's skills and talents, a small business can benefit from it. Simple and easy-to-understand copies can help any small business start marketing itself internally. Essentially, it will help them get started to get the word out there.
Offer prompts
Any creative person may experience a slump or creative block. With prompts created by ChatGPT, one can have a place to start. Some of those words generated by AI can help you in ideation.
Quick copies
Advertising agencies need to offer copies timely. To get something done quicker, ChatGPT can help agencies reduce the time taken for creating copies.
Now let’s understand the limitations of ChatGPT:
Advertising and marketing are not limited to creating copies. Copywriters and content writers are also responsible for creating brief plans, campaign concepts, etc. based on the objectives shared by the clients.
Since AI works on a database system, the scope of creativity is limited.
Original ideas
In addition to creativity, bringing out original ideas is critical. Though the content shared by ChatGPT is not plagiarised; it is not an original or unique idea. Hence, we need the human touch to ensure originality and be one-of-a-kind.
Though ChatGPT can share an emotional story with you, it won't necessarily create a story with emotions that connects the target audience to brands’ objectives. Such intricacies can only be handled with experts and artists in an agency.
To conclude, ChatGPT can be a tool to create the foundation of the work. In addition, it can also give a head start when one experiences a creative block. Hence, to bring out the best, brands’ artists, agencies and businesses need to work cohesively.
To understand how you can utilise ChatGPT or to go beyond in your marketing and writing endeavors, connect with us here.